2009 Golf Outing


Winnings 2009    Pictures

  Oaks     Shell Landing     Miss National     Grand Bear            
  Calloway     Stableford     MatchPlay     RyderCup     Overall Avg   HDCP
  Frnt Back Total Frnt Back Total Frnt Back Total Frnt Back Total Total Score hdcp Net
Chaloux, Mike 40 42 82 45 40 85 42 42 84 46 38 84 335 83.75 15 -13
Wood, Eric 46 42 88 37 44 81 45 45 90 43 52 95 354 88.5 15 6
Eneberg, Dale 46 47 93 40 42 82 45 40 85 45 50 95 355 88.75 15 7
Sullivan, Jim 45 45 90 45 49 94 43 44 87 48 44 92 363 90.75 13 23
Tidwell, David 45 46 91 45 41 86 46 51 97 46 43 89 363 90.75 23 -17
Tidwell, Tom 41 46 87 49 48 97 45 45 90 51 45 96 370 92.5 22 -6
White, Martin 53 52 105 43 48 91 46 47 93 47 45 92 381 95.25 17 25
Giese, Steve 52 45 97 55 45 100 47 46 93 42 51 93 383 95.75 23 3
Pellegrini, Ben 48 47 95 48 52 100 45 46 91 48 52 100 386 96.5 24 2
Chaloux, Rich 47 46 93 47 50 97 51 50 101 52 47 99 390 97.5 20 22
Sullivan, Mike 46 51 97 52 51 103 56 42 98 50 59 109 407 101.75 28 7
Correll, Bappy 57 48 105 53 53 106 51 57 108 56 50 106 425 106.25 33 5
Tiny P E (3 strokes) Dale/David ($60)       Shookie/David        
Long Drive Shookie   David Tidwell Jim Sully   E            
Close to Pin Bappy   Martin   David Tidwell E            
Callaway Winner Stableford Win MatchPlay Ryder Cup        
E Wood Ewood/Ben Tom T Ewood        
        Martin lost to        
            beat Sully        
            M Sully Ben        
              lost to        
            DT/J Sully Shookie        
            Rich Jim Sully        
            Bappy tied        
            beat Tom        
            Ben/E Wood beat        
              lost to        




Low Gross Winner: Shooky

Low Net Winner: David Tidwell

High Net: Martin White