Biloxi 2015

Winnings for the week

  Oaks Grand Bear Preserve      
  Matchplay     Team MatchPlay     RyderCup     Overall Avg  
  Frnt Back Total Frnt Back Total Frnt Back Total Total Score hdcp net
Tidwell, David 44 44 88 42 49 91 40 44 84 263 88 11 14
Chaloux, Mike 44 44 88 46 45 91 44 46 90 269 90 15 8
Sully, Jim 44 47 91 44 46 90 53 46 99 280 93 17 13
Landis, John 51 45 96 46 46 92 44 51 95 283 94 22 1
Wood, Eric 45 43 88 52 47 99 47 51 98 285 95 17 18
Eneberg, Dale 51 50 101 48 46 94 45 48 93 288 96 15 27
Chaloux, Rich 44 48 92 46 49 95 50 54 104 291 97 26 -3
White, Martin 50 54 104 45 43 88 48 52 100 292 97 20 16
Pellegrini, Ben 49 49 98 52 45 97 51 49 100 295 98 25 4
Giese, Steve 43 52 95 57 47 104 49 53 102 301 100 23 16
Strott, Peter 51 49 100 51 51 102 54 47 101 303 101 26 9
Tidwell, Tom 45 48 93 53 55 108 56 53 109 310 103 24 22
Nesseth, Jeff 49 53 102 55 53 108 52 49 101 311 104 20 35
Correll, Bappy 52 55 107 57 52 109 57 48 105 321 107 33 6
Tiny P None Bap  
Long Drive E Wood Landis Jeff
Close to Pin Landis Shookie David T
Close to Check     Ben
Skins MatchPlay Ryder Cup
Ewood Shookie Shookie
Rich Tom T beat
Tom T beat Martin
Landis Landis
Jeff Giese
Jim Sully dale
beat Rich
Jeff/Landis tied
beat bappy
Martin/Steve beat
Ben E wood
beat lost to 
David Tom Tidwell
J Sully
D Tidwell